About Wakatobi Island

Our Objective

Wakatobi Dive Resort and the Pelagian operate a high quality dive operation for the most discerning divers and nature lovers from all over the world. We believe in responsible dive tourism as a practical and sustainable way of protecting the tremendously rich marine heritage in this large, unspoiled area.

Very experienced professionals ensure safety and high recreational value for our guests while ensuring environmental impact is minimized. We value sustainability of the operation and harmony with local communities over quick growth and short-term profit.

Protected Today...

We demonstrate to the locals that utilizing their natural reef resources in environment-friendly dive tourism contributes significantly to nourishing and developing their communities while it liberates them from dependency on fishing for foreign commercial boats that come to the area without paying local taxes or contribution to the protection of the reefs (the marine environment is not threated by locals fishing for their own needs but from commercial fishing by foreign boats). Realizing the economic potential of responsible dive tourism encourages local communities to defend their precious reef resources against foreign fishing vessels intruding into their waters.

Unspoiled Tomorrow

Trying to protect the pristine coral reefs in the Wakatobi region by declaring them a marine reserve is only the first step. The next and much more difficult step is to show fishermen the long-term advantages of sustainable economic alternatives, thereby guaranteeing their future livelihood.

We believe ecotourism is the most practical, sustainable way. The wheel of time cannot be turned back. Without a threat to the environment there would be no need for nature reserves! It is easier to convince the natives not to destroy their precious environment if they see a more lucrative and sustainable alternative in dive tourism.